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Friday, October 10, 2008

Theatrical Treats

Cinema snacks- theres much to be said about them. first of all, i'd like to bitchslap the muppet who thought it was a smart idea to sell nachos at the movies. bitchslap him all the way to mexico that is. if wailing babies and cellphones with amr diab ringtones werent enough to drown out the dialogues, the loud crunch of a nachooo will surely do the trick.

and whats the deal with selling pancakes at the snack bar ? i have nothing against pancakes. i personally think they are flat, circular cakes of magical goodness. but selling them at the movies is like hugh hefner dating 20 yr old bunnies- the two just dont go together !

lastly coming to popcorn. now i can tolerate that lone rouge kernel that always seems to get stuck in your teeth. but popcorn leaving your hands feeling greasy and smelling buttery, now thats what drives me crazy. now i could go and wash my hands, but i dont. i just dont. so that just leaves the option of nonchalantly wiping my hands off my neighbors seat- a tricky task indeed, but you get the hang of it after a few tries.

so ladies, if we are at the movies and you feel my hands snaking around your seat, thats just me wiping the popcorn juices off my hand rather than trying to cup a feel. but then again seeing as how i dont order popcorn anymore, its more likely to be the latter case.


Songwriter F Space said...

I confess resorting to the "seat swipe" everytime. For some reason I always finish most of my pop corn before the movie starts.
Nice post.

Anonymous said...

yo panda
in my years i have been guilty of many a sin, including demolishing the occasional box of crunchy nachos at the movies. but if i am proud of one thing, o persnickety panda, it is that whenever my cell phone rings, it always sounds like a frikkin phone. ring ring, bitches!

Lhjunkie said...

I can't stand the sound of chewing. Period. Wait, add masticating to that list.

I make sure that the TV's on loud when I'm eating so I can't even hear MYSELF chew, and I'm a quiet eater...I've been told, anyway.

The sounds of people eating or even cutlery scraping against each other makes me angry.


Anonymous said...

Sadly, I have been on the receiving end of this so called 'seat swipe'. Remember when we went for Wanted ?

Ranting Panda said...

dont act coy with me, tiff. from what i remember, you enjoyed every bit of that show (6)
plus the movie starred angelina jolie, so you really cant blame me :P

Anonymous said...

*blush *blush