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Friday, October 3, 2008

Simply Craving A Ride...

alright so what is it with elevators that drives people to a whole new level of retardation ?
to start with, why press the call button numerous times ? thats just like shooting a dead goat again and again. its not like the fifth headshot is going to kill it all over again.

and what the fuck is up with those who hold the elevator and then call out to their posse by name ? this isnt the line to an amusement park ride for them to hold places. are they worried their friends dont have the mental development to operate an elevator ?

and then there is my favourite type of jackass- those who enter the elevator when people already INSIDE havent left yet. that just makes me want to go to town on them, much like a one-legged man at an ass kicking contest. jeez, can there be any bigger tools ?!

but then again i guess i shouldnt berate them too much for simply wanting to go up and down a vertical shaft....


Lhjunkie said...

Once again, I love you.

(And I don't like using the word 'love' a lot)

Ranting Panda said...

hmm well we'll have to do something that, now wont we ?
*looks around expectantly

Anonymous said...

lhjunkie loves a midget?? :O

Ranting Panda said...

hey, whats with the midget talk ? just because i rock doesnt mean im made of stone !

Songwriter F Space said...

I so agree with you!! My "favorite" elevator jackass is the one mentioned in the beginning: the one who loves pressing the button till it falls out. I HATE it when people do that. Oh and there are also those who shut the door in your face while you are inches away from the elevator and there's just one person inside. WTF?
Good job.