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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Avatar Mania

ok so with all this talk and praise about avatar and how it has become the highest grossing movie of all time, i thought i too should jump on the avatar wagon. only that my wagon is hitched in the opposite direction. from an entertainment perspective, i am quite disappointed with the movie. the story lacks originality, drags on and is predictable.

avatar is what you get if the blueman group, dances with wolves, the masai tribe and a dozen pack of skittles all came together.

'hey panda, so what if james cameron ripped off pocahontas, dances with wolves, the new world and firekind ?!! the movie is still a visual masterpiece. an orgasm for the eyes !'

perhaps. but just like an orgasm, its not something you can sit through for 3 hours. atleast i couldnt. it was like having a cake made entirely of chocolate frosting. or being beaten on the head with a rainbow- just too much of a good thing.

no wonder people walked out with depression and suicidal tendencies.


Unknown said...

I agree with you on this on Shabbs. I found avatar to be so predictable, I knew how the movie would turn out after the first 40 minutes. And not to mention some of the common movie stereotypes they had like
-the insensitive, abusive army commander: this character ALWAYS dies in movies.
-the greedy corporate head who doesn't care about anything or anyone other than his agenda: this character never gets what he wants.
-the odd, goofy sidekick (that botanist guy) who is willing to do anything to help the hero out
-the brave, angry, distrustful character who is against the hero but joins forces in the end. This would be that Tootsi guy, he was like Vin Diesel was to Paul Walker in the fast & furious movies. Only that Vin didn't die in any of the movies

Habeeb said...

whats more sad is the awards it already won, and all those oscar nominations and would you believe James Cameron even said he was offended none of them won actors were nominated in the best actor/actress section.

wait what?

Unknown said...

but thats almost always been Cameron's way of direction. No ground breaking story, just kick ass visuals and action. Titanic was also a very simple love story on the back of a sinking ship. Terminator 2 was simple story too.

Ranting Panda said...

Cath, youre right about the stereotypes. Thats how they get you to emotionally attach to the lead characters, which was especially important in Avatar since it had a weak, done-to-death plot.

Habeeb, Im surprised at JM's reaction for not getting any best actor/actress nominations. Surely a director of his caliber should know that those nominations usually always go to live action movies. I guess he's got an ego to match that big head of his.

Luda, you have a valid point with Cameron's MO. But if wanted to watch something with just kickass action, I'd stick to Steven Seagal movies. There, the storylines are atleast interesting enough.

Habeeb said...

I loved the Siege

Bruce Willis and Steven Seagal. I was honestly surprised my television didn't instantly com bust the moment I popped in the cassette tape in it