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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Psshh, Walking's For The Weak

air travel is horrible. enclosed in an airtight tube with cramped seating, terrible food and a bunch of other people sucking up with your oxygen. however, the upside of travelling atleast for me is having to go on those moving walkways. i just love zipping past other travellers, especially those lugging their suitcases alongside the walkways. eat my dust, bitches !

but my joy is always short-lived as sooner or later i end up getting stuck behind a couple of botards who just stand there, blocking the entire walkway. one would think that after a flight of rigorously sitting on your ass and wolfing down those tiny buns, you'd want to your ass to walk off some of that numbness (not the sodomy kind though). perhaps even hop on the good foot and do the bad thing. you know, get that blood flowing through all your extremities. but with the number of douches who seem content with simply standing on the walkways on the rise with every trip i make, i guess im the only one who thinks this way.

only two days back i saw this jack of an ass dump her bags on the walkway and then casually walk alongside it, instead of on it. this one gets top marks for coming up with a whole new level of lazy.


Songwriter F Space said...

hehe yeah travel can suck at times... but I normally wait for the over-excited people to leave before I move my ass. Why? Well they love to shove just because they want to be the first to step out of a plane. As if leaving before everyone else will change the city they walk into. Less than a year ago, I slapped the guy behind me for that.

Anonymous said...

whats a botard?

and abu dhabi blogger, did u get arrested for that? if u didnt, u shud, u cant cross that line man, no touching!!

Ranting Panda said...

botard, one whose beyond retarded