Beautiful Graffiti Ugly Sad Images

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hi, My Name Is Phylocode Scooby-Snacks

i fricking hate dumb people. like those who follow scientology. this could be an entire rant by itself, so i'll just leave it at that for now. im not a fan of dumb celebrities either. and there are plenty of them who are a few clowns short of a full circus.

there's rob schneider, for instance. following mel gibson's anti-semantic remarks during his arrest for a dui charge, schneider pledged, in a full page ad in the daily variey, never to work with gibson.

now schneider has done many quality movies like the animal, the hot chick, grandma`s boy etc. but i doubt he was ever going to be cast as gibson's sidekick in lethal weapons 5 in the first place. or that we might get to see gibson in deuce bigalow 3. well schneider can rest easy and go back to playing roles he does best: the sex starved man-child, with a hint of retard.


and while im on the topic of dumb celebrities, i fail to understand why so many are bent on giving their kids these weird names. blue angel, pilot inspektor, jermajesty to name a few.
these names are an open invitation for an ass kicking. high school is bad as it is. someone should really take such parents out back and beat them about the head and ass area.

the only reason i can come up with for such names is wanting something that will entertain you for the rest of your life. picture laying on your deathbed. friends and family alike waiting for you to pass on, so that they can split up all your assets. all hopes are gone. and then in walks your daughter, she-ra and your son, cobra commander. you'd die with a smile.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Un-Happening

the happening is m.night shyamalan's latest venture into the disaster film genre. a plot that hints the possibility of a biochemical attack on US soil, alongwith the casting of mark wahlberg, the movie seemed to offer some potential. i happened to watch it last night and i must say that, after the very first 1o minutes, the movie goes down like a cheap $10 hooker.

now im a fan of thillers/disaster movies, especially the type where you have people dying left and right for no apparent reason. but if youre going to be killing off the cast, atleast make sure its something out of the ordinary. like the godzilla-t.rex hybrid from cloverfield or even a couple hundred snakes on a plane. but a psychotic, wisp of smoke that only picks on large groups of people ? what the fuck is up with that ?!! i mean a puff of killer smoke is as interesting as pigeon crap on a car windshield.

throughout the movie, there is no sense of dread, panic or urgency. and with almost halfway into the movie, the only thing that really happens is you wanting to tear off your left arm and beat yourself senseless with it. i know had that very urge. the new saw installment, saw v, is marginally better than the happening. though that's like saying suffocation is mildly more amusing than drowning.

with signs, unbreakable, the village and now the happening, its obvious that m.night shyamalan has nothing to say. but he's going to keep on saying until people make him stop.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Psshh, Walking's For The Weak

air travel is horrible. enclosed in an airtight tube with cramped seating, terrible food and a bunch of other people sucking up with your oxygen. however, the upside of travelling atleast for me is having to go on those moving walkways. i just love zipping past other travellers, especially those lugging their suitcases alongside the walkways. eat my dust, bitches !

but my joy is always short-lived as sooner or later i end up getting stuck behind a couple of botards who just stand there, blocking the entire walkway. one would think that after a flight of rigorously sitting on your ass and wolfing down those tiny buns, you'd want to your ass to walk off some of that numbness (not the sodomy kind though). perhaps even hop on the good foot and do the bad thing. you know, get that blood flowing through all your extremities. but with the number of douches who seem content with simply standing on the walkways on the rise with every trip i make, i guess im the only one who thinks this way.

only two days back i saw this jack of an ass dump her bags on the walkway and then casually walk alongside it, instead of on it. this one gets top marks for coming up with a whole new level of lazy.