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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Veggie Matter

now another thing that has been on my mind lately are vegetarians. now i know that for alot of people being a vegetarian is a religious obligation, and i respect that completely. i know for some people being a vegetarian is part of a healthy life style, and i'm on board with that too. but dont tell me that you are a vegetarian because you cannot bear the suffering of innocent animals go through while being slaughtered. yes it is very comforting to know that all the HUMAN suffering in the world currently, some people are more bothered about animals. but then again some people are more into animals. i guess thats how the whole beastiality obsession started.

but i recently read an article in a magazine where the reader mentioned helping out the environment as the reason for being a vegetarian. now thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard, and believe me i have heard alot of dumb things such as the human testes being at a temperature of 5 degrees. but thats another story.

lets see if i can break this down logically: global warming due to CO2 buidup in the atmosphere. plants/vegetation absorb CO2, thus reducing its buildup in the atmosphere. so eating those very plants is supposed to save the environment ? how ??? what a dumbass !!!
with all this talk about going green and being eco-friendly lately, i think alot of people are opting towards the veggies is because it seems to be the fashionable thing to do. and if you want to eat a plant because its the hip thing to do these days, go ahead. but dont give me this crap about how switching to vegetables is going to save the planet. ive known myopic chihuahuas with more sense.

Now im sure everyone knows that methane is a major greenhouse gas. Livestock animals naturally produce methane as part of their digestive process, belching it while chewing cud and excreting it in their waste. According to the USDA, about 15-20% of the global methane emissions come from livestock and the u.s. livestock itself produces 61 million tons of waste each year. now thats alot of methane !!

so if you really did want to save the planet, wouldnt it make more sense to go eat a cow ?
so next time you get an upsized meal from McDonalds with a large box of fries and a large DIET coke, do make sure it's a beef burger and not a veggie !!

oh and heres a link to that article responsible for this rant:


Anonymous said...

Seriously. How desperate-for-attention could you possibly get?

Ranting Panda said...

if that was the case, i wouldnt be writing under a nom de plume. think about it, jack !

weedkiller said...

you inspire me.

Anonymous said...

I really like your posts, panda. Hope you continue writing :)

Unknown said...

food for thought sir,

the amount of veggies it takes to maintain a cow is as much as it takes to feed a person for a few days. So that is the counter argument for us to go veggie coz ideally we're consuming less than that cow when we eat. Then again the life cycle of a cow is short, where as us humans like to stay!

Ranting Panda said...

i hardly think what i write is inspirational. i am merely speaking my mind. but thanks anyways, weed !
you too, mel :)

luda, you say that the amount of vegs a single cow eats can keep a person going for a few days. well surely a single cow is more than sufficient to feed that very same person for a few days too :)

plus if you had ever tried a veggie burger at burger king, you understand my reasons for going carnivore.