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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Online Chatting

ok so im not really a big fan of online chatting. i mean theres only so much you can chat about before the conversation starts to drag on. and the beeps, alerts, flashing tabs, nudges and winks only serve as a constant reminder of the scinthilating nuggets of wisdom waiting for you.

Hell, the only appeal that facebook does present is the lack of obligation in replying immediately to your friends' posts. anywho heres a breakdown of the types of the different type of people ive come across over the years and still do:

-the question talker: always talks in questions. what are you trying to do, have a conversation with me or force some sort of a confession ?

-the so-so: everytime a conversation dies out, their only attempt at starting a new one is to type in the word 'so'. and with every dead conversation, the 'so' ends up stretching longer and longer until all you see is 'sooooooooooooooooooooooo'. look, there's a reason why the chat died in the first (second, third and fourth place)- YOU'RE BORING !

-the illiterate: dey thinkz itz 2 kewl 2 alwez talk lik dis. No one thinks that's cool, not even k-fed or vanilla ice.

-the color whore: they sprinkle the chat with excessive emoticons and brightly colored fonts, just like a donut with rainbow sparkles. the only thing more sparkley than such a chat is the damn twilight vampire.

-the nonstop: as long as youre signed in and online, this person makes it their personal mission to bombard you with nonsensical facts about anything and everything. to me, you and your facts are as useful as a jam sandwich to a drowning cat.

-the disappearance act: the complete opposite of the nonstop. right in the middle of a conversation, this person will just randomly disappear from their pc.

-the busy bee: one who is signed into a chat program with a busy status and gets annoyed when you message.if youre actually really busy, what purpose do you have signed in on a chat program ?

-the lol freak: lol and all of its derivatives (lmao, rofl etc) have just gone to mean 'i dont have the intellect to come up with anything interesting to say'. type lol more than 3 times in chat with me and you will find yourself permanently blocked. come on, youre no bull grazing in the field of literature.

-the mute: who never starts a conversation nor replies to any of your messages, but rather just sits there in your contact list like a virtual piece of eye candy. and what's worse is that you don't even know how this person ended up amongst your contacts in the first place or what he/she is still doing there.

so if you identity yourself while going through this list and start to feel even an ounce of accomplishment, dont. just dont.