i was out with some friends recently and somehow the conversation steered towards how pluto was no longer considered a planet anymore. personally, i couldnt care less about the fact that when i was a kid, pluto used to be a planet. but i always do seem to find it amusing how attached people still are to pluto. and i can never seem to understand why. maybe its because theyve entered the adult life now and its no longer socially acceptable to lament over mickey's retarded pet dog. and so theyve decided to take up the case of a useless, frozen rock. i would think the dog and the rock having the same name makes the transition easier. who knows ?
now if they felt so strongly about Ur.anus (sic) , that would be a completely different story (thanks, no.3 :P)
anywho, now im no interstellar expert, or even a time traveller for that matter(*sigh*), but maybe pluto circumnavigates the sun in a weird way, like a wounded bumblebee whose got its bearings all jacked up. or perhaps it would be the first one to melt into a puddle of mud and pebbles if it got too warm. or maybe its just not inclined to be a planet. all valid reasons, mind you, for ostracizing it from the intergalactic plantary body.
but dont count it out just because its smaller than the others. being built SLIGHTLY closer to the ground myself (and thats only for speed and agility), i do take a certain level of offence to that. i mean if midgets can be said to be real people or if chihuahuas still get to be dogs, why cant pluto be a still be planet ? talk about double standards, eh ?
Daftar isi
4 years ago