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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Veggie Matter

now another thing that has been on my mind lately are vegetarians. now i know that for alot of people being a vegetarian is a religious obligation, and i respect that completely. i know for some people being a vegetarian is part of a healthy life style, and i'm on board with that too. but dont tell me that you are a vegetarian because you cannot bear the suffering of innocent animals go through while being slaughtered. yes it is very comforting to know that all the HUMAN suffering in the world currently, some people are more bothered about animals. but then again some people are more into animals. i guess thats how the whole beastiality obsession started.

but i recently read an article in a magazine where the reader mentioned helping out the environment as the reason for being a vegetarian. now thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard, and believe me i have heard alot of dumb things such as the human testes being at a temperature of 5 degrees. but thats another story.

lets see if i can break this down logically: global warming due to CO2 buidup in the atmosphere. plants/vegetation absorb CO2, thus reducing its buildup in the atmosphere. so eating those very plants is supposed to save the environment ? how ??? what a dumbass !!!
with all this talk about going green and being eco-friendly lately, i think alot of people are opting towards the veggies is because it seems to be the fashionable thing to do. and if you want to eat a plant because its the hip thing to do these days, go ahead. but dont give me this crap about how switching to vegetables is going to save the planet. ive known myopic chihuahuas with more sense.

Now im sure everyone knows that methane is a major greenhouse gas. Livestock animals naturally produce methane as part of their digestive process, belching it while chewing cud and excreting it in their waste. According to the USDA, about 15-20% of the global methane emissions come from livestock and the u.s. livestock itself produces 61 million tons of waste each year. now thats alot of methane !!

so if you really did want to save the planet, wouldnt it make more sense to go eat a cow ?
so next time you get an upsized meal from McDonalds with a large box of fries and a large DIET coke, do make sure it's a beef burger and not a veggie !!

oh and heres a link to that article responsible for this rant:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Restaurant Loungers

Before I start, a slight digression. I hate people who call your cell only to get the voice mail and then don’t leave a message. At times when I’m busy, I’ll just let my phone go to voice mail. Instead of calling me 10 times within a span of 3-4 minutes, just leave a message and I’ll call you back when I’m free. What dipshits ! The only thing worse than not leaving a message is giving deliberate, multiple ‘missed’ calls just to get the other person to call you (back). If you want to talk to me so bad, then go buy some credit, you cheapskates!

Anywho, since I talked about eating out the last time, I thought I would continue on that front. One thing I have started to note quite a lot lately is how people tend to stick around at restaurants. I mean, you’ve had your meal, settled the bill, talked about everything there is to talk about including the weather and the traffic. What more are you waiting for ?? Personally I think a very good sign to leave is when the conversation moves onto the weather and/or the traffic. But then again since I've had more than my fair share of conversations that strayed in that direction, I’m guessing that I’m the only one who feels this way. What’s worse is when the talk moves into the reasons for the horrid weather such as increase in the number of cars, fuel emission, etc. The last time I checked, you were in the Middle East. Even on a pleasant day, it’s still going to be 40 degrees. Just come to terms with and move on with your life !! Seriously !

As for those who wait around at the restaurants, I think the restaurant management should just come to their tables and start playing a recording of that song they play at the Oscars when someone’s acceptance speech runs long.

With all these hold-ups you come across on a daily basis (waiting in traffic, waiting at hospitals, waiting to get test dates for your driver’s license), it’s almost like waiting around has become the fashionable thing to do. And why not ? If wearing sunglasses while indoors and wearing toques with it being 45 degrees outside (don’t forget the beads of sweat streaming down your forehead. Oh yeah, that’s sexy !!) can be considered fashionable, then why can’t the same be said for just loitering ? Hmmm…

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fast Food Fools

One thing ive noticed is that people really seem to like going out to eat in Dubai. The
foodcourts at the malls are always full. what pisses me off are people in restaurant queues who only start to decide what they want once they get to the counter. On top of that, they then waste more time by asking the attendant about the different combos available. is it so bloody impossible to simply raise your head by 20-30 degrees and look up at the board, where all the meal options available are listed. Hell, they even have pictures of the food if reading is too hard ! What tools !!

But what really makes me want to drop-kick the person in the head is when they order diet soft
drinks with upsized meals. If you want to do something wrong, then do it fucking right ! What the fuck is up with ordering diet cokes ??!
Dont tell me its because you like diet coke. No sane person likes diet coke !
Dont tell me it helps the digestion process. If you need help digesting your food,
don't fucking eat so much in the first place !
Don't tell me all that sugar in normal soft drinks is not good for you. yeah, after having a double whopper and a large box of fries, you should be more worried about all those blocked arteries rather than the carbs from a soft drink.
And if you are worried about carbs, have some freakingorange juice. almost all restaurants have fresh juices as alternates to soft drinks. my personal favourites, disco 2009 and al-burj.

well I guess that brings me to the end of this week's rant. If you guys have any thoughts, do
leave a comment. And if know of or have tried any juices/drinks with weird names, do write those down too. i have always wondered what such drinks for made of.